
An archetypal tech blog


2022-05-17 2 min read

What is this and why do you care?

Well, perhaps you don’t care. Perhaps you shouldn’t care. But I feel obliged to write a few words about myself and the intent of this site nonetheless.

I write software for a living. Some might say that makes me a professional software engineer - but, since I don’t take myself too seriously, I wouldn’t normally use the word professional in reference to myself. Anyway… during a post-mortem review for $incident, a few of us were talking about the response to this issue. The tl;dr is that we needed to write a thing to update a database to recover from this incident. My colleagues were about to jump into some go code for that, but I ended up quickly scripting it up in bash. Despite the fact that said colleagues are awesome in go and other languages, some of them never quite got into bash. So I said I could write up some quick howto for future reference. Next question is where to publish it. Something publicly-accessible seemed to make the most sense, and hence the idea for this site was born.

I know there are a bazillion tech blogs out there. Probably the world doesn’t really need one more, especially since the probability of $developer in continuing to post content seems to be generally pretty low. But hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained. So, for now, let’s see where this goes.